When I created this artwork a few years ago, I knew I had to find ways to make it fit with the lines of the Ascend saber. This is the latest update, with more attention to linking the lines of the artwork to make more of a continuous piece over different saber parts. Coupled with the Ivory colour on the grip, and some aging and weathering, this has become one beautiful saber.
This saber has the CFX sound card from Plecter Labs with:
- OLED screen blue
- PlecterPixel setup
- All 19 of my CFX updated sound fonts
This saber is for sale; $2090 USD (+ shipping)
February 18-24 2025
This sale will be a raffle sale… meaning that anyone interested in PURCHASING this saber can enter the raffle, a name will be drawn, and that person will be sent an invoice to purchase this saber.
The sale includes:
- Saber with CFX fine tuned and ready to go, Suitable for light duelling.
- 19 sound fonts including most of mine
- NPX-2 Plecter Pixel Blade
- Plecter Pixel Blade plug – Painted and ready
- I am not able to ship to Germany at this time.
Tags: aluminum, art, battery, cystal, design, diy, Dragonborn, electronics, Firebird, Firevine, flashlight, High Republic, imagination, Jedi, Jedi Fallen Order, Jedi Knight, LED, Li-Ion, light sabre, lightsaber, lightsabre, lite saber, lite sabre, lithium, Mandalorian, Muscle Car, neopixel, Nord, Old Republic, Pontiac, Protosaber, Sci-Fi, Sith, Skyrim, Smokey and the Bandit, smooth swing, star war, Star Wars, Tech, technology
This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025 at 10:57 am
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