Proto-Creed FV The protovolved style for the GCS Creed saber has become a popular customization. This is the first time I have paired that detail with my Firevine artwork. The
Dragon Battle Ascend 2 When I created this artwork a few years ago, I knew I had to find ways to make it fit with the lines of the Ascend saber. This is the latest update, with more att
Fell Wind The quartz crystal at the heart of this saber is one I have been saving for a long time. It has many dark inclusions from it’s ancient formation that give i
Badaxx Firevine Dark I loved the darker look of the Badaxx Longlost, but I wanted to craft something that looked a little newer and felt more intentionally dark, yet classy. ThinkR
Zeffo Creedaxx Pair It’s been many years since I crafted two sabers as a pair. The vision for these sabers is that of siblings. Twins have always played a large role in Star Wa
Proto-Felucian Creed The heat-treated armoured cable look is growing on me. This time I aimed for a little less weathering, and my Felucian artwork. The images are reminiscent of the
#MayThe4thBeWithYou 2024 Click HERE to see the GCS May 4th lineup!
X-Wing Miniature Painting My friend Scott has introduced me to the world of the X-Wing Miniatures game, and I’m hooked. The detail of the models is excellent, and therefore scream to
Data Holocron Gen 2 For years I have wanted to redesign my original Sith-style Holocron from 2010, and now the time has come at last. The generation 2 Data Holocron is far superior t
Creed I’ve had in mind to design a unique saber which would look and feel both utilitarian and elegant. I wanted to capture some of the feel of my Corran Horn des